
A roguelike video game created by Mason Hawks, Daniel Johnson, Aidan Schmelzle, Connor Sutton, and Jacob Wagner as a capstone project at the University of Kansas.


Nineveh was created as a senior capstone project by me and my team. We combined our skills as programmers and our interests as artists, anthropologists, and creators to materialize our game.

The story is set in the ancient Near East and focuses on our main character- a High Priestess named Enheduanna. 

Meet the Team

All members of our team were seniors pursuing a B.S. in computer science at the University of Kansas in 2022.

Mason Hawks

Daniel Johnson

Aidan Schmelzle

Connor Sutton

Jacob Wagner

View the videos below for a more in-depth account of each of our roles in the game-making process. Please find each team member accessible through their LinkedIn account which I have linked to our icons above.

Initial Project Description Video (Semester 1 – Pre-Implementation)

Final Project Description Video (Semester 2)

The Art of Nineveh

Our team tried to use a very limited amount of pre-made assets for our game. Instead, we compiled a list of the assets we would need to create and assigned priority to each. This allowed us to implement high-priority assets on time, find filler assets for incomplete or lower-priority assets, and to create stretch goals in case time allowed.

To view more of the game’s concept art click below.